covid-19 safety plan
Covid-19 Safety Plan
CDC Guidelines will be implemented across the campus.
In collaboration with AdventHealth, our health and wellness partner, a comprehensive on-campus plan will be fully implemented in August prior to the start of the new school year. This plan includes, but is not limited to the following:
On-site health office directed in collaboration with AdventHealth and staffed daily by a health care professional.
Temperature-screening before entering campus.
Sending and keeping both adults and children at home when they exhibit symptoms.
Hand washing protocols throughout the school day (hand washing stations at building entrances).
Increased use of hand sanitizer.
Installed sanitizer wipes stations throughout campus.
Frequent use of disinfectant wipes on high touch, hard surfaces throughout the school day.
Face masks required for all staff members when not social distanced.
Face masks required for all students when not social distanced.
Maximizing opportunities for social distancing.
No touch protocols throughout the school day.
No shared toys or manipulatives.
HVAC systems sanitized and calibrated for optimal fresh air exchange.
Enhanced HVAC filter protocol with optimal particle filtration and increased replacement frequency.
Positive Case Protocol: Close campus for sanitization and deep cleaning with continued access to teachers and education through virtual learning at home via an enriched “Titan Teacher Network” program.
Teach staff, students, and their families about health safety.
Communicate the health expectations of our organization.