Teacher Spotlight

Principal Spotlight: Sherrie Warren


Academic Principal Sherrie Warren’s prolific academic career has taught her that, now more than ever, listening to students is the most important way to support their success.

“I feel that I have learned how to be a good listener throughout my years of teaching, and today’s students really need someone to listen to them,” Principal Warren said.

Principal Warren’s path to becoming a principal at NTCA began in 1988 when she started teaching for the Seventh-Day Adventist education system. She earned a bachelor’s degree in secondary education from Oklahoma State University, then a master’s in administration and leadership from Capella University. Since then, she has worked at boarding academies, junior academies and K-12 schools. In the early 2000s, Principal Warren had her first foray into administration as an interim principal. Later on, at Thunderbird Academy, she worked as the vice principal of academics, registrar, student recruiter and alumni relations coordinator. 

Working in education brought Principal Warren a welcome variety that she wouldn’t otherwise experience, as well as a solid background for her current role. In recognition of her achievements in education, she earned a Tom and Violet Zapara Excellence in Teaching Award. 

Education allows Principal Warren to make a positive impact on the lives of students and their families. She loves to watch students learn about Jesus and choose to become dedicated followers. 

At NTCA, Principal Warren feels empowered to collaborate with her coworkers to help students prepare for their goals. If students take anything away from working with her, she hopes they learn behavioral, leadership and emotional skills, not just academic ones, to become positive, caring, service-driven citizens. The most rewarding part of her career is the moment when a student finally understands a concept after struggling with it.

“I love seeing my students have an ‘AHA’ moment when the light bulb goes on and they have comprehended a challenging concept,” Principal Warren said.

While helping students is her passion, Principal Warren also makes the most of life outside of school. She enjoys walking her two mini Daschund dogs, Casey and Jax, traveling to new places, taking road trips and going to the beach. Her favorite she’s traveled to is the island of Kalaui, Hawaii. Most of her hobbies involve being outside, but she enjoys spending some of her time off indoors, too. She likes to watch shows like Downton Abbey, which she says is the best series ever, but she especially enjoys reading.

“My favorite book is whatever I’m currently reading,” Principal Warren said. “I love to read and love each book I read.”

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Get to Know Principal Sherrie Warren

  1. Where did you grow up? I was born in southern California and lived there until I was 13 years old, then my family moved to south Oregon. 

  2. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Chocolate!

  3. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Clone myself so more can get accomplished. 

  4. What did you want to be when you were little? A teacher, then a doctor, then an airline pilot. 

  5. What’s your favorite Bible verse or passage? 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 ”According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” 

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, the faculty, staff, and families work as a team. Our service-oriented approach builds Christian leaders who think deeply, choose wisely, create beauty, and use their dreams to solve problems. Want to learn more about what makes us different? Contact us today.

Teacher Spotlight: Smyrna Jackson

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Smyrna Jackson’s goal as a teacher is to make sure her students enjoy learning so they feel empowered to reach their full potential. Through project-based classes, she aspires to show all of her first graders, especially those who fall behind, that learning can be fun.

“Growing up, I always thought school was boring. Academics wasn’t something that came easy to me,” Ms. Jackson said. “I thank God that my wonderful parents kept me going.” 

Ms. Jackson grew up in many different places. She was born in New Jersey, then lived in Puerto Rico, Virginia, and Maryland. Eventually, her family moved back to her birthplace, but she wasn’t done moving around. Finding herself back in Maryland, she graduated from Washington Adventist University with a BS in counseling psychology. Later on, she moved to Florida, where she went back to school at St. Petersburg College to complete an alternative teaching program. 

As a child, Ms. Jackson wanted to be a paramedic, thinking it would be an exciting and fun job where she could help people. Since 1997, she’s worked with elementary school students in various roles— camp counselor, sabbath school teacher, mental health technician and teacher’s assistant. While working as an aftercare and summer camp director, she found her passion for teaching, which she has now been doing for 8 years.

“I realized how much I loved working with young kids, and I really wanted to make a difference in their lives,” Ms. Jackson said.

Outside of school, Ms. Jackson enjoys watching movies, traveling and going to the beach with her family, including her dog Rocky. When she has a chance, she would like to visit Ireland and see the Cliffs of Moher. During her alone time, she enjoys listening to music and reading. Her two favorite books are “Because I Love You” by Max Lucado and “I Am Enough” by Grace Byers. 

If Ms. Jackson could have dinner with anyone, she would choose Oprah Winfrey, Esther and Moses. She would talk to Oprah to find out how she got to the top and gain insight into what made her show so successful. With Esther, she would have a talk about courage. Given the chance to talk to Moses, she would ask about how he felt when he parted the Red Sea. While these figures inspire her, she also finds inspiration in her students. 

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The most rewarding part of Ms. Jackson’s work as a teacher at NTCA is seeing how excited students get when they learn something new. The school encourages her to make changes when something isn’t working and supports her in meeting the needs of her students. She has found that her dramatic teaching style has been a great fit for her first graders, and she enjoys watching them get their hands dirty while engaging in project-based learning.

At the end of the day, Ms. Jackson hopes her students leave her classroom with a sense of responsibility and knowledge that they are part of something bigger than themselves— they are part of a community, and they are loved. 

“The number one thing I hope they take away from my classroom is that Jesus loves them no matter what,” Ms. Jackson said.

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Get to Know Smyrna Jackson

  • What’s your favorite TV show? Seinfeld.

  • What’s your favorite Bible verse? “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” - Philippians 4:13 

  • If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Garden salad.

  • If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do? Take a cruise around the world.

  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be? It would be so cool to fly.

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, the faculty, staff, and families work as a team. Our service-oriented approach builds Christian leaders who think deeply, choose wisely, create beauty, and use their dreams to solve problems. Want to learn more about what makes us different? Contact us today.

NTCA Teacher Spotlight: Jacqui Walker

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Jacqui Walker, who started teaching at North Tampa Christian Academy last year, is in everyone’s corner — her students’, her family’s, and her own.

As a child, Ms. Walker dreamed of becoming a professional chef or singer. Her hobbies in adult life still include baking, cooking and karaoke. Her favorite movie is School of Rock, which combines her loves of music and teaching. She also enjoys reading, her favorite book being one that inspired her as she was growing up.

When Ms. Walker read “What Are You” by Pearl Fuyo Gaskins, she saw her first example of mixed-race children represented in media. She struggled with her identity as a mixed-race child, so this compilation of young, mixed-race voices opened up a new world. Through this book, she found herself and God’s calling for her.

A few years after reading this book, she took her first education class at Union College for her Elementary Education degree. From that moment on, Ms. Walker knew she wanted to be a teacher. When it was time to find a teaching job, North Tampa was a natural fit. Applying information to real-life situations helps her keep students engaged. Rather than focusing on test taking skills, she challenges her students to become all-star critical thinkers.

“Our STEAM projects consist of drafts, prototypes and failed practices because everything can be improved upon,“ Ms. Walker said. “We are constantly using real-life scenarios with humanities and making sure we stay up to date on current news and events.”

This teaching style allows students to work together and build each other up. Ms. Walker finds collaboration among students and teachers to be the most rewarding part of working at this Tampa private school. While academic learning is important, Ms. Walker also hopes to foster a strong foundation of faith in her students. 

“I hope students know that God never fails, and His love is unconditional. If they are steadfast in that knowledge, life will be so much easier because they always have God to lean on,” Ms. Walker said. “I also hope that students know that even if they feel like no one is in their corner, I am, and that they are extremely capable of doing whatever they set their mind to.”

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While Ms. Walker works to inspire her students, she draws inspiration from powerful women. She would like to learn from Michelle Obama, who she considers graceful and accomplished. Mama Fe, her late grandmother, is another woman she would like to talk to, picking her brain and hearing her stories. Given the opportunity to have dinner with any three people, she would choose these two women and her sister, whose company she always enjoys. 

Having grown up in Colorado, Ms. Walker enjoys exploring Florida and traveling around the world. Her favorite place she has visited is the beautiful town of Alcoy in Cebu, Philippines. One of her goals is to travel to as many places as possible. She wants to enjoy the life God gave her to the fullest, and teaching at North Tampa is helping her do just that.

Get to Know Jacqui Walker:

  1. What's your favorite TV show?

    Parks and Recreation

  2. What is your favorite Bible verse or passage?

    My favorite Bible verse is Psalm 46:10. “Be still and know that I am God.” This verse never ceases to remind me that even in the midst of chaos, good or bad, I can always find peace and restoration in God.

  3. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    I’ve struggled with this question for so long, but I would have to choose salad. It’s vague enough to be very versatile. 

  4. If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do?

    After getting over the initial shock, I’d call my family and share the love. 

  5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 

    I would love to teleport. I’d never be late ever! 

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, the faculty, staff, and families work as a team. Our service-oriented approach builds Christian leaders who think deeply, choose wisely, create beauty, and use their dreams to solve problems. Want to learn more about what makes us different? Contact us today.

Principal Spotlight: Terry Griffin

North Tampa Christian Academy is pleased to introduce next year’s 9th-to-12th-grade principal! Hailing from Maryland, Terry Griffin has an extensive background in education. Her resume lists middle school teacher, high school teacher, superintendent associate, academic dean at John Hopkins, and now, principal again! To prepare for these prominent roles, Griffin received a B.S. in education, an M.Ed. in curriculum instruction and assessment, Ed. S in curriculum and instruction leadership, Ed. D in educational leadership, plus a principal fellowship with New York Leadership Academy. Without a doubt, her qualifications and experience are incomparable! When she was a child, she wanted to be a CNN reporter. Because she decided to skip the newsroom for the classroom, North Tampa is so blessed to have her!