Empowering Spiritual Leaders: a Look into NTCA's Campus Ministries Team

North Tampa Christian Academy provides a multitude of opportunities for students looking for ways to grow in their faith. The school’s UNCOMMON faith development program offers support for families, faculty, staff and students through celebration, discipleship and service. For those looking to take their faith formation one step further, there’s the Campus Ministries Team.

How the Campus Ministries Team Works

The Campus Ministries Team, led by Pr. David Craig, plays a vital role in shaping the spiritual atmosphere on campus, empowering students to become spiritual leaders. Members are selected based on their desire to impact the school in a positive way and their willingness to grow spiritually. Specific responsibilities include leading praise teams, organizing events, planning outreach programs, and more. These students spend their time on the team developing leadership skills and putting their faith into practice.

“Students benefit in a special way because they are able to collaborate with a small team to achieve a specific goal that will impact our school and others for the better,” the pastor said. “We plan together, we grow together, we learn together, we pray together, we dream together, we fail together, and we succeed together as a community of spiritual leaders on campus.”

Community Engagement and Outreach

NTCA students are no strangers to being active in the community. Through project-based class assignments, every student on campus has the opportunity to serve others. The Campus Ministries Team takes community engagement even further through special events, outreach programs, and mission trips. The team strives to build bridges that foster growth and collaboration within the community.

Training and Leadership Development

Members of the Campus Ministries Team develop leadership skills, public speaking abilities, and mentorship. They learn how to cast a vision, organize events, and lead small groups, all of which contribute to their overall growth and development as spiritual leaders. While they have a plethora of opportunities now, even more will be coming in the not so distant future. 

Future Plans for the Campus Ministries Team

“Some future plans and goals our team has include a school mission trip next year that will give our students a realization of how blessed we are and how we have the opportunity to bless others,” Pr. Craig said. “Also in the plans are spiritual retreats, small group opportunities, as well as community outreach opportunities.“

The Campus Ministries Team at NTCA plays a crucial role in empowering students to become spiritual leaders within their school and community. Through collaboration, mentorship, and active engagement, members of the team are able to grow spiritually and make a difference in the lives of others. 

Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation.Contact us today to learn more.