Choosing Extracurriculars


North Tampa Christian Academy is a projected-based learning school that focuses on your child’s passions and helping them grow. That’s why in addition to regular classes, extracurriculars are just as important for your child’s education. Our schools believe that students and their families have a say in what they learn. By choosing their own path, you’ll be raising a happy, healthy, and motivated child. We’ve developed a guide to help you choose the right extracurriculars for them. 

Identify Their Strengths and Weaknesses
Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Evaluating these early on will be beneficial in the long run. Is your child really good at writing and reading comprehension? Or do they prefer shooting hoops? Extracurriculars are a great way for your child to develop their strengths and actually enjoy what they are doing. 


Consider Learning Styles
Is your child a visual, physical, aural, or skill learner? If they are a physical learner, they may get frustrated by learning aurally. A visual learner, for instance, may feel stressed in active, hands-on courses. By identifying this sooner, they won’t feel like they are struggling. If you are not sure yet, there are plenty of student self-assessments that can be found online.

Discover Their Interests
Children have natural abilities. Did your child love coloring as a child? Or did they pretend like they were a scientist in a lab? Don’t miss those key signs in their upbringing; they can point you in the right direction. Simply ask them, “What do you enjoy doing the most?” An artsy child will likely not enjoy science, and a rough and tumble child will probably not find joy in band class.


Try It Out
If your child has an interest in a particular activity, try it. Some clubs and classes are actually free to attend. This is a perfect way to gauge your child’s interest and give you both a good idea of what works and what doesn’t. One session could be enough for your child to realize it just isn’t for them, or maybe it is the right fit. If you see your child light up, it could be a winner. But like the saying goes, you won’t know until you try!

Support Them
If you were the star football player or became a doctor, it’s not unlikely that you have those same dreams for your child. However, pushing them to follow in your footsteps can lead to them resenting you and the craft. Really see your child, and listen to them. Your expectations may not match up with their natural gifts and desires. Parents should help children develop their true sense of self, so peer pressure will only backfire. Remember, some things just don’t work out the way they should and your child may lose interest, but still offer gentle guidance while letting your child take the wheel. You’ll be right beside them cheering them along on the ride.

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Christian school located in Tampa, the faculty, staff, and families work as a team. Our service-oriented approach builds Christian leaders who think deeply, choose wisely, create beauty, and use their dreams to solve problems. Want to learn more about what makes us different? Contact us today.