Summer Reading With At-Home Library


Summer is fast approaching, and it’s the perfect time for your child to gather their reading list. Every parent wants their child to love reading, so we recommend you encourage reading over the summer. Reading at a young age not only expands literacy skills and vocabulary, but it develops attention to detail, builds confidence, and sparks imagination. Make reading a part of everyday life with these tips on how to build a library right in your home. That way, your child feels comfortable and confident reading their summer book list!

Choose a Designated Area
Setting up a space at home sends a message about the value of reading, and that it’s not just something that needs to happen at school. And a library at home doesn’t take up a lot of space. You just need a few key pieces of equipment, including a bookcase, books, and a comfortable seat. You can even personalize the bookshelf with your child’s name! Keep the books low and in reach, so your child can safely select books on their own without a struggle. The space should be inviting and inspire his desire to read. Don’t forget about seating and lighting. We recommend flexible seating as opposed to traditional chairs. Finish it off by decorating with their favorite pictures, stuffed animals, and other items your child loves. 

Select Based on Interest
Support their learning experience by responding to what your child is interested in. Offer subject matters that you know he likes, in the form of not only books but magazines, too. Be sure to ask your little reader’s teacher and librarian for recommendations. Have a regular rotation of books and swap out the ones on display to keep him hungry for more!

Have a Discussion
Show your child you’re proud and supportive of this important hobby. Ask him to retell stories, draw pictures that the plot inspired, and act it out with puppets. If available, we recommend watching the movie versions so your child can see their favorite stories come to life!

Summer Reading Programs
A collaborative summer reading program will help boost your child’s interest in reading, while also giving them the opportunity to socialize and bond with peers. Summer reading programs were developed to motivate young children to keep on reading over summer vacation. Programs typically include free access to educational and enriching activities. Here are a few from We Are Teachers:

Reading Recommendations
Your child has endless book options to choose from this summer. Plan ahead by creating a list now. To reiterate, you’ll want to support your child’s interests so he doesn’t resent reading. But to kick off the list, here are a few suggestions based on age groups: 

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