Teacher Spotlight: Amanda Darsey

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Hailing from the beautiful hills of Chattanooga, Tennessee, Amanda Darsey graduated from Southern Adventist University with a degree in elementary education. Initially wanting to be a veterinarian, she found a love for children and has spent the last eight years teaching.

“I never really thought about becoming a teacher until I prayed for God to show me the path that He wanted me to take,” she said. After spending many years teaching a variety of grade levels between first and eighth and multiple subjects, she realized she had a passion for science, especially biology, Earth science, and ecology.  

Her driving force is all of the love and energy that her second graders fill her up with. “They are the sweetest little sponges that soak up all the information that I can teach them. They truly have a passion for learning, and it’s a wonderful gift to be able to learn with them every day.”


Teaching for her is not about instructional lessons; it’s taking the students on a learning experience. “I want my students to touch, see, hear, smell, and — at times — taste what they are learning,” she said of the exciting experiments she assigns weekly. No matter what kind of day she’s having, Darsey basks in the love and joy she is rewarded with from her students. Boasting about the students and the staff, she calls it a blessing each and every day that she has the opportunity to learn and teach with such inspiring teachers.

Darsey believes God has big plans for the students at North Tampa. The lessons in science are not the only things she hopes the students take away from her courses. Encouraging them to love God and keep Him first in life is her main priority. 

“Love your friends and classmates, be kind to your family, and respect the adults in your life,” she said. “Remember, do the right things even when no one is watching.”

When she isn’t devoting her time to the classroom, Darsey’s idea of fun is traveling with her husband. The goal is to visit all seven continents before she dies. To keep her energy up, she practices Pilates and yoga. Additionally, she enjoys hiking, playing in the ocean, and kayaking with her husband and dog.

Get to know Amanda Darsey

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Q: What is your favorite movie or TV show?
A: My favorite TV shows are “Survivor” (I have been watching since season one), “MasterChef,” and “The Office”!

Q: Do you have a favorite book?
A: I often fall in love with whatever book I happen to be reading. Right now, I would have to say that my favorite book is “Dahveed” by Terri L. Fivash.

Q: What’s your favorite place that you’ve traveled, or a place you hope to travel to?
A: My favorite place that I have traveled to is Ocho Rios, Jamaica!

Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A: It would be mahi mahi tacos with lots of avocado!

Q: Do you have any hidden talents?
A: I don’t know if they are really hidden, but I play the violin and viola. I can also make my tongue disappear, which totally freaks out my students!

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, the faculty, staff, and families work as a team. Our service-oriented approach builds Christian leaders who think deeply, choose wisely, create beauty, and use their dreams to solve problems. Want to learn more about what makes us different? Contact us today.