Teacher Spotlight: Luke Fogg

Luke Fogg, one of our physical education teachers at NTCA, began teaching last fall after graduating from Southern Adventist University with a degree in kinesiology. Becoming a teacher wasn’t always part of the plan. During his freshman year of college, Fogg felt called to do the work of being a teacher. 

As a recent college graduate, Fogg feels that he has an easy time relating to his students. He understands what they’re going through because not too long ago, he was going through some of the same things. With this experience, he’s able to see from their perspectives, which has helped him have more sympathy for students when they struggle. Fogg makes an effort to be there for his students and give them grace, just like Jesus would have.  

“The Bible talks a lot about grace and the grace that Jesus gives us,” Fogg said. “I try to do that for my students, as well.”

Of all the verses and passages in the Bible, Fogg’s favorite is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 

Fogg, who only recently moved to Florida, grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana. As a child growing up in Indianapolis, he wanted to be a professional basketball player. He still plays basketball, as well as golf, during downtime. Sports are still an integral part of his life, even if he chose not to pursue sports stardom. If he was given the chance to have dinner with any three people, alive or dead, he would dine with three sports icons: Tom Brady, Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. 

When he’s not in the classroom, on the green or on the court, Fogg enjoys going to the beach, shopping and spending time with his friends. He loves staying active both on and off campus. 

Project-based teaching at NTCA has been a great experience for Fogg. He appreciates being able to teach in an environment where students are actively engaged in learning through hands-on activities. Teaching at this school also gives him the opportunity to make connections with amazing students and share the love of Jesus with everyone in his classroom. 

Since Fogg only recently started teaching, he feels like he’s still learning about all the best parts. Based on his experience so far, he believes the most rewarding part of the experience will be seeing what his students take away when they graduate and how they use those lessons in life after NTCA. His students constantly impress him, and he hopes that after leaving his classroom, they will walk away with a sense that they’re valued and that they should value and respect others. 

“The two things I always tell my students are to be yourself and be happy with who you are, and also to be kind to everyone,” Fogg said. “To me those two things matter more than anything I can teach.”

Get to Know Luke Fogg

Do you have any pets? I have a 2-month old Cavachonpoo (a cavalier King Charles spaniel and bichon frise mix bred with a miniature poodle)

What are your favorite books? “The Last Season” by Phil Jackson and “Underdawgs” by David Woods 

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? I think it would have to be pizza.

If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do? Hire a financial adviser.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? I would love to be able to fly!

Students at North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.