Choosing the Right Career


Graduating from high school, moving on to college, choosing a career — these are all major milestones in your child’s life. They are an exciting time of growth; however, making big decisions on their own can be a very stressful feat. As your child prepares for adulthood, use this guide to help them choose the right career path.

Start Thinking Now
Some colleges and universities allow you to declare your major well into your college education. However, we recommend that you and your child start thinking about it now, no matter what age they are. If they have an idea earlier in life, they can use their time to focus on developing related skills and building an academic profile for that major at their school. If your child is interested in science, he should focus on extracurricular activities that incorporate science. If your child is interested in music, have him join the band program and pick up an instrument. The sooner they recognize their interests, the better head start they get on fine-tuning their skills.

Consider Their Interests
A parent can often forget that choosing a career is their child’s decision. Stand by with support, but ultimately you should support what their current interests are now. Take a look at his hobbies, extracurriculars, and what subject matters he does best in. It may not be too clear based on grades, so be prepared to discuss what he’s more interested in. Then, choose electives that give him the opportunity to explore what he’s drawn to. The experience will give him a better insight into what a future in that industry is like.


Sit in College Classes
Have your child experience the college setting by sitting in a class. He will get the feel of what it’s like to be on a college campus and identify if the classes are for him. The courses will give him an inside look into what he would be learning. 

Talk to a Professional
Narrow down the decisions by chatting with someone in his desired industry. There are plenty of people in the field of study that are willing to talk to students about the day-to-day role in their positions. One-on-one time gives your child the chance to see what a day in the life is like. If he’s interested in engineering, reach out to firms in your area. Go prepared with questions, and ask if your child can shadow for a day! Establishing connections and networking is the beginning of a successful future.

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Christian school located in Tampa, the faculty, staff, and families work as a team. Our service-oriented approach builds Christian leaders who think deeply, choose wisely, create beauty, and use their dreams to solve problems. Want to learn more about what makes us different? Contact us today.