Life Skills for Children and Teens to Build Over the Summer

Summer break isn’t over yet, and your child still has more time where they won’t be going to school every day. They’ve had a decent amount of time to recover from the school year, and now they’re getting antsy. This is the perfect time to encourage your child to start building some life skills. Whether you have a child or teen, there’s plenty you can teach them over the summer without cracking open a textbook. 

Life Skills for Children

First, you’ll want to make sure the skills you’re teaching your child are age-appropriate. Your child can learn a great deal about life in the classroom, but some lessons are better learned at home. For a younger child, start with the basics. 

Money Management

To begin the money management lesson, take your child to the store to pick out a piggy bank. You should be able to find a decent selection at any big box or department store. Lesson one can be as simple as “pay with cash, and drop whatever change you receive into the bank.” Make a savings goal, like buying a new toy or going somewhere fun at the end of summer break. When the time comes, bring the change to a change machine at a store like Wal-Mart, or roll the coins up together and bring them to the bank. 

Time Management

When you have a daily routine, like going to school, some of your time is managed for you. However, over the summer, things tend to be a little less structured. Encourage your child to build a daily schedule that gives them plenty of time for tasks like chores and summer reading, as well as time for play and relaxation. Start with the times they’re naturally inclined to do each task, and work together to build a schedule that works for them and for you. The most important part of this is learning how to plan ahead or adapt when things don’t go as planned. Help your child figure out the best way to use their time wisely. 

Life Skills for Teenagers

Teens could certainly benefit from learning about time management and money management, but by the time they’re in high school, they should have a grasp of the basics. As they move into adulthood, the skills that will help them the most are what are known as “soft skills,” or people skills. 

Communication Skills

In your teenage years, you begin to understand that there are consequences for your actions, and that includes how you communicate with others. However, teens often need some help fine tuning their communication skills. Start by discussing how to say things, especially in an argument. Go over the importance of “I statements” and active listening. Go over strategies for being assertive without being aggressive. Use lessons you’ve learned as an example of what to do and what not to do. 

Problem-Solving Skills

Once your teen learns how to communicate on a personal level, you can begin discussing the art of collaboration and brainstorming. Encourage your teen to think critically before responding to any given situation. Help them think of creative ways to solve problems. Learning how to problem solve takes work, but with a nudge in the right direction, your teen can be set up for success as they prepare for life after high school. 

Summer break can be the perfect time to help your child or teen learn valuable life skills. Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.