
5 Ways Teens Can Learn to Balance Screen Time and Learning

In recent years, screen time for children and teens has become a hot topic. Nearly everyone, even a significant number of teens, agree that teenagers spend too much time on their devices. Considering the fact that less than 4 years ago, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, screened devices were the primary tools for just about every aspect of life, it’s no surprise that teens have continued to depend on this technology. However, excessive screen time can cause teens to become insecure, anxious and even unable to sleep properly. All of these can distract your teen from their education during a pivotal time. Read on to learn about some ways your teen can work toward achieving a better balance between screen time and learning.  

Set Realistic Screen Time Limits

The first step to establishing a plan for screen time is deciding on rules for daily usage. Work with your teen to figure out what limits make sense and how they can stick to their goals. If your teen struggles to get away from their phone, self care apps like Finch or screen time specific apps can help them stay on track. As long as your teen understands that they’re working toward better balance for themselves and aren’t being punished, whatever tool they use to achieve screen time balance is fine.  

Schedule Focus Time and Break Times

Coming home from school and seeing a pile of homework that needs to be done can be intimidating. Work with your teen to create a schedule for homework and studying, ensuring that it includes a break every 30 minutes or so. Consider setting timers to ensure that your teen takes breaks and gets back on track each time. Some teens and adults find listening to pomodoro playlists, which play calming music and set off an alarm during each break, helps them stay focused. 

Use Screens as a Tool for Learning

Screen time isn’t all bad. Your teen can use their screen time to help them study and learn. There are plenty of educational apps and websites that can help when they’re struggling to grasp a subject. Computers and mobile devices can also be used for research, though your teen may need help figuring out how to differentiate reliable and unreliable sources of information. 

Make Time for Other Hobbies and Interests

Part of balancing screen time and school work is taking time away from both. Rest and relaxation are as important as getting work done. Teens can take time away from screens and work through extracurricular activities like sports and school clubs. Picking up new hobbies, like sewing, reading or writing by hand, that involve taking time away from screens, can be another great outlet. 

Focus More on the Real World

The internet connects us in so many ways, but one thing it can’t give us is in-person connection. Screens can also take us away from the world around us. Encourage your teen to plan outings with their friends that don’t involve screens. Find time to get the family together for screen-free weekends. Focusing on the real world will help your teen become more connected to what’s in front of them. It will also help build up in-person communication skills, a valuable tool that can be lost to our mobile devices

At North Tampa Christian Academy, we know that screens are necessary for modern life and believe that screen time balance is essential to teens’ wellbeing. Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

Creating Screen Time Balance as a Family

In today’s world, you can’t stay away from screens. However, it’s important to be away from them for at least a few hours a day. Spending too much time with technology leads to higher stress levels, lower quality sleep, eye strain and a feeling of dependence. Our devices have the power to keep us informed and connected, but like everything in life, moderation is key. Here are a few ways you can create screen time balance with your family:

Enjoy Analog Activities 

When we’re constantly connected to our devices, it can be easy to forget about activities our families can enjoy together without the help of a screen. Break out your favorite board games from your childhood, and create new memories for the family. Encourage everyone to lace up their walking shoes to go out and explore the local park. If you can get the family away from screens for just a couple hours a day, you’ll notice that you all become less reliant on technology for entertainment. 

Have Dinner Without Devices 

Ever look around the dinner table and notice that everyone’s either on their phones or has them out just in case? Staying away from devices for an extended period of time can be difficult, but dinner is the perfect time for a technology break. Make dinner a dedicated time for communicating with one another and enjoying each other’s company. Dinner time creates a great opportunity for daily family bonding without the help of devices.

Set Time Limits for Everyone 

Keep in mind that not only children feel the impacts of too much screen time. Adults often find themselves mindlessly tuned into their devices just as much as children do. Consider setting limits that the whole family can abide by. This is also a great way to lead by example. If your child sees that you can rely less on technology, they will feel more empowered to do so themselves. 

Enforce an Electronic Curfew

One way to set time limits is by setting a curfew for use of electronic devices. Powering down devices after a certain hour has a positive effect on health for people of all ages. The most visible impact is on sleep. Children and teens need to get 8-10 hours of sleep to maintain their health, and adults need about 6-8 hours. It’s recommended to power down your devices an hour before bed so you can more easily fall asleep.

Charge Devices Outside of Bedrooms

How do you keep your child or teen from bringing their phones into the bedroom at night? Set up charging stations outside of the bedroom. This is a great way to hold everyone accountable and to remove the temptation of losing yourselves in late-night infinite scrolling. Consider a dedicated area where all devices are charged outside of bedrooms so everyone can rest a little easier at night. 
At North Tampa Christian Academy, we view technology as a powerful tool that brings us together, as long as we’re not too dependent on it. Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.