Teacher Spotlight: Derek White

Derek White, a teacher at North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, has had a love for education since he was a math tutor in college. His philosophy is inspired by the great Nelson Mandela, who said, “Education is the most powerful tool which you can use to change the world.” His love for teaching continued after graduation when he tutored inner-city junior high school students in Dallas. As a community organizer, he worked to develop the leadership qualities of refugee youth living in Denver and Aurora, Colorado. His goal is to change the world; therefore, he teaches.

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After majoring in business with a minor in mathematics, Derek is now a seventh-grade homeroom teacher, educating his students in Algebra 1, government, Geometry, Math, debate, and world history. The “diversity of the topics and breadth of possibilities” brings him joy. Generally, he likes to teach leadership — specifically, about forced migration. For example, he is excited about covering the aftermath of WWII, where global powers united in an attempt to address massive human displacement. Watching students discover who they are and allowing themselves to shine is what motivates him to step onto the North Tampa campus every day.

“We absorb learning most when we learn it for ourselves. So I prefer to engage students through questioning so they can discover answers on their own. Sometimes this type of thinking frustrates them greatly, which brings me a little bit of joy,” he said.


Not only is Derek a teacher at North Tampa; he is also a licensed attorney, specializing in working with refugees, which has done in Aurora and Cairo, Egypt. He applies his legal history to his current teaching position. 

“I've tried to make the pursuit of justice and peace a hallmark of my career,” he said. “I feel I am continuing that theme by encouraging our students to gain essential skills, broaden their perspectives, and explore solutions to real-world problems.”

Derek has spent much of his life traveling. He was raised 100 yards away from what he calls the most beautiful beach in the world while spending another part of his childhood in colorful Colorado. Of the places he’s traveled to, his favorite place is the Tannourine Cedar Forest in Harissa, Lebanon. He hopes to one day visit Crete. 

When he isn’t in the classroom, he spends time with his wife, Alicia, a nurse, and his three boys, Isiah, 4, and twins, Salem and Nour, 2.

What he hopes his students take away from his teachings? He said, “I hope they take nothing away from my classroom except their own belongings and the belief that they are capable of adding spice to and shining brightly in the world.”

Get to Know Derek White

Q: What do you like to do for fun?

A:  Drink loose-leaf tea; swim; talk with my wife and/or good friends in a quiet place; snowboard; play with my three boys; hike and backpack in the mountains; and study the art of bonsai.

Q: What's your favorite movie or TV show?

A: Movies: “The Saint”, “The Right Stuff”, and “The Count of Monte Cristo.”

Shows: “Last Week Tonight”, “Eisei-En”, and Olympics (YouTube channels).

Q: What is your favorite Bible verse or passage?

A: Too many to list, a sampling: Psalm 111:10; Isaiah 58; John 13:34-35; John 1:14; James 1:28; Philippians 3:12-14.

Q: What is your favorite place that you have traveled to?

A: Home.  (And the Tannourine Cedar Forest in Harissa, Lebanon.

Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A: My wife's homemade pizza and dark chocolate (not at the same time).

Q: If you could give your students one piece of advice, what would it be?

A: Change the world by listening longer than feels comfortable. 

Q: Do you have a superpower? If so, what is it? 

A: I have many. My favorite? The power to confuse you.

North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, is an innovation school with a project-based learning environment, producing Christian leaders who impact the global community for God’s glory. Want to learn more about what makes us different? Contact us today.