Teacher Spotlight: Manouchka Louine

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Manouchka Louine discovered her love of teaching while working as a substitute teacher in college. Watching children become engaged and grow over time, she started to learn that she could make a difference in their lives. Children now love coming to her class every day, and she enjoys teaching them just as much. 

Before finding a place at North Tampa Christian Academy, Louine aspired to be a healthcare provider. However, she fell in love with teaching — and the NTCA community. Now, in her 11th year of teaching, the Fort Lauderdale native is a 2nd grade teacher at North Tampa Christian Academy.

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During her free time, Louine enjoys being active and spending time with her family. Given the choice of any superpower, she would choose the ability to teleport so she could be near family and close friends anywhere around the world at any time. Some of her favorite activities include traveling, bike riding, snorkeling, walking and camping. She also loves trying new foods, though if she had to choose just one type of food to eat forever, she’d be happy eating tacos. 

Louine doesn’t just love teaching (and tacos); she also loves learning. This love of learning extends beyond the classroom. When she finds the time, she reads biography books in order to learn about real people and their lives. When it comes to movies and television shows, she prefers documentaries, and her favorite ones being Discovery Channel shows and 60 Minutes. 

The best part of teaching at North Tampa Christian Academy for Louine is that children have choice, space and flexibility to learn in among a diverse student body. She also loves interacting with passionate parents and students. At the school, she has a unique opportunity to help students apply their lessons to real life situations, making it a personal experience for every child. This experience has been a culmination of the lessons she’s learned through her years of teaching.

“With patience and compassion, I’ve learned that you can learn about each child’s individuality and hence cater to their needs,” Louine said.

When students take Louine’s 2nd grade class, she hopes that they walk away with confidence in everything they do and that they truly know that the greatest gift they have is Jesus.


Get to Know Manouchka Louine

Do you have any pets? No, but I would like to have a dog. 

If you could have dinner with three people, dead or alive, who would you choose? My grandmother (my dad’s mother), Oprah (I love to watch and learn from the people she  interviews), my next door neighbor MiMi (elderly woman). 

What is your favorite place that you have traveled to? Italy

If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do? I’ll put it in my bank account  for about 6 months to give me time to plan out how to go about spending the money. 

What is your favorite Bible verse? Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

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