Teacher Spotlight

Teacher Spotlight: Angie Rubin de Celis

Angie Rubin de Celis teaches Spanish to all grade levels at NTCA. She has a different strategy and approach for each age group; she keeps it simple with younger students and exposes the older ones to as much language as possible. At all grade levels, she engages students by bringing them meaningful content. In any given class, students can be found playing games, singing songs, doing hands-on work with worksheets and participating in the occasional project.

Rubin de Celis always considered teaching as a career. As a child, she debated between becoming a teacher and becoming a dentist. She started leaning toward a career in teaching during her junior year of high school. She took education classes and went to elementary schools to observe, then got her CDA certification for early childhood education. She has now been teaching for about three years, including one year of missionary work. 

During her early years at Andrews University, Rubin de Celis worked with preschool children. She never thought she would end up working at a place like NTCA. She enjoys having the freedom to use her own curriculum and arrange her lessons to make Spanish relevant to her students. She wants her students to enjoy the learning process and to leave her class with a love for Spanish.

When students take Rubin de Celis’s class, she hopes that they have a sense of belonging. She wants every student to see and understand how much she cares about them. Building connections with students is the most rewarding part of her job.

“When the student is excited to come to class, that’s when it hits deep, and you know you're doing it right,” Rubin de Celis said. 

While students are like family to Rubin de Celis, she cherishes her family at home, as well. She spent her early life with her mother in Argentina, then moved to the US with her father. If she won the lottery, she would start by tithing, giving all the money she owes to God. Then, she would support her family in Argentina. She’d take her mother to the best doctors and pay for her treatments. Then, with the rest of the money, she would pay off her own debt. 

Biblical figures who love others despite adversity inspire Rubin de Celis. Her favorite Bible verse is Phillippians 4:13 — “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Her favorite passage is the story of Joseph, one of Jacob’s 12 sons who received a colorful cloak from his father, then went through slavery and prison before working his way up to becoming a compassionate ruler in Egypt. 

If you need a recommendation for a coffee shop, Rubin de Celis is happy to help. She loves going to coffee shops to read. She has explored so many of them that she often gives suggestions to others. She also enjoys going on hikes and exploring recreational parks around town. Her favorite movies are the Chronicles of Narnia series, and she loves watching Korean dramas in her downtime.

Get to know Angie Rubin de Celis

What’s a place you would like to travel to in the future? I have traveled to more than 10 countries already, and I would love to go to Turkey some day! 

What is your favorite book?  “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett

If you could have dinner with any three people, who would you choose? I would love to have dinner with King Solomon, Barack Obama, and Jesus, of course!

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? I will never get tired of soup. I love soups, especially if they have tons of veggies. Sometimes I eat 4-5 bowls even though I’m full.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? I would love to be able to go back in time and teleport.

North Tampa Christian Academy promotes leadership through Christian innovation, which helps build a sense of community and strengthen bonds between students and teachers. At our Tampa private school, students thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire every student. Contact us today to learn more.

Teacher Spotlight: Barry Warren

Barry Warren, Sports Education Director at North Tampa Christian Academy, found his calling during a college history class. 

It all started when he was working toward his degree in History and Physical Education at Southwestern Adventist University. A history professor inspired him to become a teacher. After SWAU, he went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at Bismarck State University and a master’s in Secondary Leadership and Supervision from the University of Missouri. Warren has since been in the education field for 39 years. 

Before he pursued education, Warren wanted to be a doctor. Now, he enjoys helping children by teaching them and encouraging them to enjoy learning the way he does. One subject he especially enjoys teaching children about is math. 

“I think math is so cool, and I try to generate that excitement in my students,” Warren said.

Over the years, Warren has learned that in teaching, he shouldn’t stress over what he can’t control. Instead, he needs to prioritize the most important things. Working at a Christian school, one of those priorities is showing his students God’s love. He hopes all of his students see the positive side of having God in their lives. 

One of Warren’s hobbies is reading all kinds of books, especially the Bible. Aside from the Bible, which is his favorite book, he enjoys reading anything by Tom Clancy. He also likes to stay active by playing golf, riding his Harley, spending time with family and playing with his dogs. His family consists of several dogs, mostly miniature Daschunds. Family time is so important to Warren that, if he won the lottery, he said he would buy his grandfather’s old farm and turn it into a hub for family gatherings.

Warren has been to many places in his life, and his favorite so far is Kaua’i, Hawaii. When he was young, he lived in several states, including Texas, Oklahoma, Indiana and Arizona. Arizona is the one he considers his home state. In his college years, he found himself in Texas, North Dakota, and Missouri. He now lives in Florida, where he teaches students that they have the power to overcome any circumstance. 

“I hope students take away the idea that anyone can make a positive difference in their world, no matter what challenges they face when growing up!” Warren said.

The most rewarding part of working at NTCA has been watching students grow into productive adults who use their power to make a difference. 

Get to Know Barry Warren

If you could have dinner with three people, dead or alive, who would you choose? Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), David (Bible), my mom.

What's your favorite movie or TV show? Princess Bride.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? I would love to fly!

What is your favorite Bible verse or passage? Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Nachos!

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, students thrive thanks to teachers and educators like Barry Warren. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

Teacher Spotlight: Nehiel Rivera

Nehiel Rivera has a spirit for adventure in all forms, from entertainment media to moments in nature with family and friends. The Chronicles of Narnia books, Stargate shows, video games and Disney movies are just a few of the places he likes to escape to in his spare time. Rivera also enjoys being outdoors, especially if he can set up his hammock and spend time with family and friends in nature. One of his family members is a fun-loving cocker spaniel/poodle mix named Naty. 

Rivera’s adventures sometimes take him to faraway lands. Of the many places he’s had the blessing of traveling to, one of his favorites is Botswana. Before starting at NTCA, Rivera attended Southwestern Adventist University in Keene, Texas, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in exercise science. Some day, he would like to visit and explore Brazil.

This love of adventure has always been part of Rivera’s life. As a child, he wanted to be a lot of things. He found himself trying to decide whether he was meant to be a ninja, a teacher, a lawyer or an architect. He even considered becoming a youth pastor. Ultimately, he ended up pursuing the teaching path as a substitute teacher at NTCA, which led to his current role as a teacher’s aide. This position gives him the opportunity to help students thrive in many ways.

“The most rewarding part of my job is having the opportunity to help a student learn something new, and also seeing the joy a student expresses after I help them understand something they were confused or unsure about,” Rivera said.

While helping children learn academic skills gives Rivera a sense of accomplishment, the opportunity he values most is being able to teach them about Jesus and His love for them. When he interacts with students in the classroom, he hopes that they leave with respect for others around them and the knowledge that Jesus loves them.

Given the chance to have dinner with any three people, Rivera would choose Jesus, as well as Samson from the Bible and his grandfather, who passed away the year before he was born. Since he only heard about his grandfather in stories, he’d love to get to know the awesome person he really was. He’d like to hear Samson’s perspective on the events that took place in his life. His inspiration for wanting a dinner with Jesus came from episodes of The Chosen. Rivera would love to laugh and talk with Jesus, ask him questions and learn from him face-to-face like characters do in the show. 

Faith helps Rivera navigate life by being the anchor he needs. Several Bible passages and verses inspire him, but he has two favorites that stick with him the most: Isaiah 43: 1-4 and Psalm 46:1. These verses remind him that God is with him and will never leave or abandon him. The Bible gives Rivera a sense of clarity, especially when he reads Psalm 46:1, which states that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”


Get to know Nihiel Rivera

Where are you from? He was born in New York and has lived in the Tampa area most of his life.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Pizza or arroz con habichuelas y pasteles (rice and beans with pasteles)

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your prize? One of the first things would be eliminating all of my student debt. 

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? The power of flight.

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, students thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

Teacher Spotlight: Devin Anavitarte


Devin Anavitarte’s main goal as an educator to be the teacher he never had. Anavitarte currently teaches English and theatre classes at North Tampa Christian Academy. Rather than just seeing him as a teacher, he wants students to view him as a trusted advocate. Anavitarte has been teaching for nine years, and in that time, he has tried to form a relationship with every student who steps into his classroom. 

“Learning is all about relationships. My philosophy is that learning thrives the more a relationship is fostered,” Anavitarte said.

Building relationships with students enhances the teaching experience and the learning experience, especially when it comes to subjects like theatre that have a performance aspect. As passionate as he is about his career now, teaching wasn’t always Anavitarte’s dream. As a child growing up in Keene, Texas, he was sure he would someday be a gameshow host. 

In his hometown, Anavitarte attended Southwestern Adventist University, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in English. He then went on to Andrews University in southwest Michigan, where he graduated with a master’s in divinity. Soon after graduation, Anavitarte discovered his love of teaching and started on his current career path.

The most rewarding part of teaching for Anavitarte is watching nervous, insecure students blossom and thrive on stage after months of working hard to put together a theatrical production. While he watches these students grow, he encourages them by letting them know he’s someone they can come to when they need him. Anavitarte hopes that all the students who attend his English and theatre classes see the love of Jesus in him. 

While teaching is Anavitarte’s passion, he also finds joy in writing, swimming, playing tennis and reading. His favorite book he’s read so far is A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. When he has time off, Anavitarte likes to travel, and his favorite place he’s been to is Athens, Greece. The Mediterranean would be a great place for him to travel because if he had to choose one food to eat for the rest of his life, his choice would be hummus and falafel.


Get to Know Devin Anavitarte

What’s your favorite Bible verse? Isaiah 41:10: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

If you could have dinner with three people, dead or alive, who would you choose? Lucille Ball; Jesus; and Joseph, son of Jacob.

If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do? Pay off all my debt. 

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Flying 

Learning is all about relationships. My philosophy is that learning thrives the more a relationship is fostered.
— Devin Anavitarte

At our Tampa private school, students thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

Teacher Spotlight: Manouchka Louine

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Manouchka Louine discovered her love of teaching while working as a substitute teacher in college. Watching children become engaged and grow over time, she started to learn that she could make a difference in their lives. Children now love coming to her class every day, and she enjoys teaching them just as much. 

Before finding a place at North Tampa Christian Academy, Louine aspired to be a healthcare provider. However, she fell in love with teaching — and the NTCA community. Now, in her 11th year of teaching, the Fort Lauderdale native is a 2nd grade teacher at North Tampa Christian Academy.

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During her free time, Louine enjoys being active and spending time with her family. Given the choice of any superpower, she would choose the ability to teleport so she could be near family and close friends anywhere around the world at any time. Some of her favorite activities include traveling, bike riding, snorkeling, walking and camping. She also loves trying new foods, though if she had to choose just one type of food to eat forever, she’d be happy eating tacos. 

Louine doesn’t just love teaching (and tacos); she also loves learning. This love of learning extends beyond the classroom. When she finds the time, she reads biography books in order to learn about real people and their lives. When it comes to movies and television shows, she prefers documentaries, and her favorite ones being Discovery Channel shows and 60 Minutes. 

The best part of teaching at North Tampa Christian Academy for Louine is that children have choice, space and flexibility to learn in among a diverse student body. She also loves interacting with passionate parents and students. At the school, she has a unique opportunity to help students apply their lessons to real life situations, making it a personal experience for every child. This experience has been a culmination of the lessons she’s learned through her years of teaching.

“With patience and compassion, I’ve learned that you can learn about each child’s individuality and hence cater to their needs,” Louine said.

When students take Louine’s 2nd grade class, she hopes that they walk away with confidence in everything they do and that they truly know that the greatest gift they have is Jesus.


Get to Know Manouchka Louine

Do you have any pets? No, but I would like to have a dog. 

If you could have dinner with three people, dead or alive, who would you choose? My grandmother (my dad’s mother), Oprah (I love to watch and learn from the people she  interviews), my next door neighbor MiMi (elderly woman). 

What is your favorite place that you have traveled to? Italy

If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do? I’ll put it in my bank account  for about 6 months to give me time to plan out how to go about spending the money. 

What is your favorite Bible verse? Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

At our Tampa private school, students thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.