Teacher Spotlight: Laura Morena Grassiotto

While she was growing up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Laura Morena Grassiotto wanted to be a doctor, a singer and a pianist. She accomplished her musical dreams as a Christian singer in Brazil, and she chose the path of teaching. She now brings her love of music into her teaching at North Tampa Christian Academy. 

Known as Laura Morena professionally, she has a strong following online and is best known for her 2015 album Mais Perto. Her love of music is an important part of her life, so much so that if she could choose to have dinner with any three people, she would choose fellow musicians. The specific ones she chose are Johann Sebastian Bach, Martha Argerich and Nelson Freire.

Aside from directing the school’s choir, Morena Grassiotto thrives when writing songs, going to concerts and performing. Music is present in most aspects of her life, and she also enjoys exploring the world through travel and photography. Of the places she’s been, her favorite area to visit is the Greek Islands. 

Morena Grassiotto found her calling as a teacher while studying education in college. As soon as she began learning to educate children, she knew that this was what she wanted to do with her life. She graduated from UNASP (Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo) in Brazil with a double major in Music Education and Literature/Linguistics (Portuguese-English). She has now been teaching for five years.

In her time as a teacher, Morena Grassiotto has learned that there’s more to every student than meets the eye. Every student has layers, and sometimes, it takes time to reach the layer where they can find inspiration. Once that layer is found, students can shine and give an outstanding performance. Making this breakthrough is one of Morena Grassiotto’s favorite parts of teaching. 

“I like to give them opportunities to perform so they understand music is much more than learning notes and rhythm,” Morena Grassiotto said. “It is an outlet of the soul.”

The most rewarding part of her job at NTCA is watching students grow in their performance skills and become more comfortable expressing themselves. It’s hard work, but she finds it oh-so rewarding to watch unfold. She enjoys the fact that the school provides students with many opportunities to perform. Each performance is special and exciting in  a particular way for her and the students, which makes all the difference in the music program.

Morena Grassiotto hopes that after taking her classes, students become inspired and feel embraced by art. She hopes that through music, they find a way to express their innermost feelings, hopes and dreams, which makes journeying through life that much easier. 

Get to know Laura Morena Grassiotto

What are your favorite books? “Clarissa” by Brazilian writer Érico Veríssimo and “Vinte poemas de amor e uma canção desesperada” by Pablo Neruda

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Gelato.

What's your favorite movie or TV show? Movie: “Chocolat” and tv show “The Office"

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Mind reading.

What is your favorite Bible verse or passage? “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, students thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

Best Book-to-Movie Adaptations for Children and Teens

Book-to-movie adaptations have been around since the advent of cinema. They run the gamut from made-for-TV specials to feature films. For children and teens, these movies generate an interest in reading by bringing books to life in a different way. It’s also fun to see two different versions of a story and play a game of “spot the differences.” These movies are ones that everyone in the family can enjoy but that children and teens will find especially relatable. 

The Cat in the Hat

The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss tells the story of The Cat and his two sidekicks, Thing 1 and Thing 2, who invade the home of two children, Sally and Conrad. They make a huge mess while the childrens’ mother is away. This classic book by Dr. Seuss has gone through a few adaptations. The most popular adaptation, the 1971 animated TV special by Bo Welch, uses the original illustration style and closely follows the book. The PG-rated 2003 live action adaptation is a fun movie, but the made-for-TV special, in this case, is a much more faithful version that received better reception by audiences and critics alike. 

Where the Wild Things Are

In Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, a boy named Max puts on a wolf costume and runs away from home to an imaginary world with friendly giant monsters called Wild Things. Visually, the 2009 movie is a seamless adaptation of the book. In the movie, Max and the Wild Things have added depth and dimensions. The timeless book and the movie are both great for people of all ages, but imaginative children will especially enjoy the story. 


Roald Dahl wrote many great children’s books, and his 1988 book Matilda enjoyed great reception at the time that only improved with the release of the movie adaptation. The book and movie follow the story of a girl whose family doesn’t appreciate her intelligence and magical powers. Fortunately for Matilda, one of her teachers is looking out for her. The book is appropriate for children ages 8 and up, and the movie is rated PG due to a few scary and intense scenes. 

The Chronicles of Narnia 

The story of The Chronicles of Narnia follows four children who find that a magical land lies just beyond a wardrobe in the house they’re staying in. A lion named Aslan enlists them to help protect Narnia from evil, and they meet witches, princes and magical creatures along the way. In the 1950s, C. S. Lewis created this journey in a series of seven books, three of which have been adapted as movies. Out of the movies, the first one, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, based on the first book in the series, is widely thought to be the best.

Reading is fun, and movies can add a whole new dimension to the experience. North Tampa Christian Academy promotes leadership through Christian innovation. At our Tampa private school, students thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire every student. Contact us today to learn more.

How Christian Education Builds a Sense of Community

School helps children develop into who they’ll one day become, but private Christian schools are unique in fostering character. Due to affiliations with churches, Christian schools often come with a welcoming built-in community. This makes it easier for children to build relationships while learning. Going to school with like minded individuals comes with many benefits, especially for developing children. Here are some of the many ways Christian education builds a sense of community. 

Students Share More than Classes

On the first day of school, meeting new people in an unfamiliar place can be overwhelming. While Christian schools aren’t exempt from those initial anxieties, students (and their parents) can feel more comfortable knowing that they have faith as a connection. Aside from academic material, students can explore their faith and discuss it with others. This creates space for deeper friendships that can last a lifetime. 

Teachers Promote Faith Building

Teachers at any school can mentor students, but talking about faith isn’t allowed at all schools. Christian schools allow faith exploration, encouraging deeper conversations between teachers, students and staff. Everyone at the school learns and worships together, which creates an inherent connection between individuals. Students also tend to stay at the same school for longer, which allows teachers and staff to build strong relationships with students on a faith-based and a personal basis.

Service to the Community

One way Christian schools help build a sense of community is by encouraging student involvement in service projects. Often, classes at these schools do community service projects together for local churches and charity organizations. These acts of service help students bond and meet people outside of their schools. By working in the community, they also develop an understanding of the needs of others in their own backyard.

North Tampa Christian Academy promotes leadership through Christian innovation, which helps build a sense of community and strengthen bonds between students and teachers. At our Tampa private school, students thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire every student. Contact us today to learn more.

Teacher Spotlight: Angie Rubin de Celis

Angie Rubin de Celis teaches Spanish to all grade levels at NTCA. She has a different strategy and approach for each age group; she keeps it simple with younger students and exposes the older ones to as much language as possible. At all grade levels, she engages students by bringing them meaningful content. In any given class, students can be found playing games, singing songs, doing hands-on work with worksheets and participating in the occasional project.

Rubin de Celis always considered teaching as a career. As a child, she debated between becoming a teacher and becoming a dentist. She started leaning toward a career in teaching during her junior year of high school. She took education classes and went to elementary schools to observe, then got her CDA certification for early childhood education. She has now been teaching for about three years, including one year of missionary work. 

During her early years at Andrews University, Rubin de Celis worked with preschool children. She never thought she would end up working at a place like NTCA. She enjoys having the freedom to use her own curriculum and arrange her lessons to make Spanish relevant to her students. She wants her students to enjoy the learning process and to leave her class with a love for Spanish.

When students take Rubin de Celis’s class, she hopes that they have a sense of belonging. She wants every student to see and understand how much she cares about them. Building connections with students is the most rewarding part of her job.

“When the student is excited to come to class, that’s when it hits deep, and you know you're doing it right,” Rubin de Celis said. 

While students are like family to Rubin de Celis, she cherishes her family at home, as well. She spent her early life with her mother in Argentina, then moved to the US with her father. If she won the lottery, she would start by tithing, giving all the money she owes to God. Then, she would support her family in Argentina. She’d take her mother to the best doctors and pay for her treatments. Then, with the rest of the money, she would pay off her own debt. 

Biblical figures who love others despite adversity inspire Rubin de Celis. Her favorite Bible verse is Phillippians 4:13 — “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Her favorite passage is the story of Joseph, one of Jacob’s 12 sons who received a colorful cloak from his father, then went through slavery and prison before working his way up to becoming a compassionate ruler in Egypt. 

If you need a recommendation for a coffee shop, Rubin de Celis is happy to help. She loves going to coffee shops to read. She has explored so many of them that she often gives suggestions to others. She also enjoys going on hikes and exploring recreational parks around town. Her favorite movies are the Chronicles of Narnia series, and she loves watching Korean dramas in her downtime.

Get to know Angie Rubin de Celis

What’s a place you would like to travel to in the future? I have traveled to more than 10 countries already, and I would love to go to Turkey some day! 

What is your favorite book?  “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett

If you could have dinner with any three people, who would you choose? I would love to have dinner with King Solomon, Barack Obama, and Jesus, of course!

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? I will never get tired of soup. I love soups, especially if they have tons of veggies. Sometimes I eat 4-5 bowls even though I’m full.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? I would love to be able to go back in time and teleport.

North Tampa Christian Academy promotes leadership through Christian innovation, which helps build a sense of community and strengthen bonds between students and teachers. At our Tampa private school, students thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire every student. Contact us today to learn more.

Helping Your Child Master the Art of Public Speaking

Public speaking intimidates even the most confident people. Children often find public speaking like reading aloud to their classmates or giving a presentation to be a chore. They have to build speaking skills from scratch. It’s difficult to learn to be a good public speaker without knowing what makes a good public speaker. Students are often given vague directions, like to stand up straighter, project, and be more confident, but many need help getting there. Here’s how we recommend helping your child master public speaking: 

Build Their Confidence

Nothing helps children develop confidence as speakers more than feeling like they’re being listened to in everyday life. Give them time to talk about their lives, and let them make small mistakes rather than challenging their ideas. This will help build their confidence in daily life. See if you can model confident behaviors, approaching stressful situations in a calm, decisive manner. This will help you and your child see that you can be confident, too. 

Play Word Games

One example of a speech-improving word game is the “Woof” Game. Take a common word like “this” or “the,” and have your child replace it with the word “woof.” For example, rather than saying “This is a duck,” your child would say “Woof is a duck.” This game will help them learn to improvise and think on their feet. It will also make them laugh, which should take some of the stress out of practicing the big speech. 

Debate with Them

Consider a topic your child is very passionate about. It could be something silly like homework or video games, or something more serious like what to do about world hunger. Let them pick their side, and give them 30 seconds to argue for their own side. Offer a rebuttal, and keep going until they’re out of arguments. When they’ve started feeling comfortable, have them argue the opposite side. This will help make them confident that they can talk about anything, even if it’s not what they believe. This also strengthens their critical thinking, as they have to understand an opposing viewpoint. 

Give Feedback After the Speech

Let your child practice their speech in front of you. If they struggle, just give them the time they need to get through it. At the end, give feedback and ask questions. If they have a full understanding of what they’re giving a speech about, that will help them give it to the audience. See if you can think of positives and areas for improvement so you can help them do better the next time. Thoughtful feedback goes a long way in helping children learn. 

Giving speeches, offering presentations or even reading to a classroom can be scary, but with these tools, children can have a little more confidence when they reach the lectern. At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, students thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.