Live a Balanced Lifestyle

At North Tampa Christian Academy, we aim for a healthy balance of body, mind, and spirit. Between careful organization, consistent exercise, and quality time with family and friends, you can live every day to the fullest! Find out how you can take steps toward a balanced lifestyle:

Begin by taking a good look at how you spend the hours in your day. Make a list of everything you do in a week and how much time you invest in them. Then, create a blank schedule of your week and fill your schedule back in, starting with what you absolutely have to do. Add in extracurriculars, relaxation, and family time, and eliminate unnecessary tasks (or reevaluate how much time they take up). This way, you can get a good idea of what a regular week should look like.

Get Organized
When you stay organized, you’re able to use your time more efficiently, meaning you’re not only more likely to meet deadlines, but you free up more time in your day. Consider using a planner or downloading a to-do list app for your phone so you can plan in advance, prioritize your tasks, and check off those tasks as you go.

Take Time for Community
We believe that education is key to future opportunities. However, we don’t want our students to become so dedicated to academics that they miss out on community! Building and maintaining strong relationships is very important. Make sure that you take time every day for your family and friends, even if it’s only a quick phone call or a 20 minute walk. 

Go To Sleep
Stick to a consistent sleep schedule as much as possible, and limit how much technology you use in the evenings. When you get enough sleep, you eat better, manage stress better, and are able to listen and concentrate better. 

Eat Healthy
When you’re stressed and feeling stretched thin, it can be easy to let a healthy diet fall to the wayside. Make sure to plan ahead. Eat a healthy breakfast every morning, pack healthy snacks to eat throughout the day, and prepare and pack lunches the night before.

Similar to sleeping and eating healthy, it can be easy to neglect exercise in busy seasons. But exercise has been proven to offer multiple benefits for your body, including increased energy levels, regulated emotions, improved memory, improved sleep quality, and heightened focus.

Listen to Your Body
It can take a lot of self-control to listen to your body when it’s telling you it’s time to sleep; it can be much more fun to stay up for a movie night instead of going to bed! But by listening to your body and giving it what it needs, whether that’s sleep, exercise, or a healthy snack, you’ll become healthier and more productive.

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, the faculty, staff, and families work as a team. Our service-oriented approach builds Christian leaders who think deeply, choose wisely, create beauty, and use their dreams to solve problems. Want to learn more about what makes us different?Contact us today.