Tips for Limiting Your Child’s Screen Time

If your child is glued to her iPad from the moment she gets home from school until it's time to go to bed, you may be worried about the amount of time she spends staring at a screen. For children who are still learning self-control skills, breaking free from these digital devices can be difficult. Luckily, there are strategies you can use to limit your child's screen time. North Tampa Christian Academy, a private school in Tampa FL, recommends these ideas for helping your child learn to use screens in moderation.


Create a "Screen Schedule
A great way to make sure your child isn't on her digital device 24/7 is to set aside times when screens can be used. Try making a "screen schedule" to dedicate specific days or times when your child can watch videos or play games on her device. For example, you can tell your child that she can have the tablet for 40 minutes a day while you cook dinner, or let her watch TV for an hour a night after she finishes her homework. If you'd rather not set the expectation for screen time every day, you can instead allot specific Screen Days, such as TV on Tuesdays and Thursdays, when your child can use screens. The key to making this strategy work is consistency — once you set the schedule, stick to it! If you let your child negotiate loopholes, the boundary of the schedule can become difficult to enforce.


Set "No-Tech Zones"
You can demonstrate to your child that she doesn't need to have a digital device on her all the time by establishing rooms in your house where those devices aren't allowed. The dining room is a great choice for a tech-free zone, as it encourages face-to-face family interactions at dinner time. You can also try keeping tablets and TVs out of your child's bedroom to help them wind down before bedtime, as research shows screen time before bed can make it harder to fall asleep. By setting aside places where your child can't use her devices, you're making room for other, screen-free activities to happen in those spaces.


Ask Them "Why?"
Both children and adults can fall all too easily into the bad habit of turning on a device without a reason, simply out of boredom. To help keep your child from getting into this routine, ask them why she wants the tablet or phone when she asks for it. This doesn't mean you should say no if your child just wants to be entertained, but it encourages your child to think more critically about what she wants from the device, or even what else she could do with it. It also gives you an opportunity to suggest a different activity if your child is just bored and wants something to do.

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a private school in Tampa FL, the faculty, staff, and families work as a team. Our service-oriented approach builds Christian leaders who think deeply, choose wisely, create beauty, and use their dreams to solve problems. Want to learn more about what makes us different? Contact us today.