How Educational Innovation Helps Children Thrive

School is a place where children go to learn, but it can be so much more than that. By changing the way we think about education, we can change children’s lives, thereby creating a better future. At North Tampa Christian Academy, innovation and project based learning are at the core of what we do. Read on to learn about a few of the ways we’ve seen our students thrive over the years. 

Sparks Imagination

Traditional learning methods focus on rote memorization and test preparedness, which doesn’t leave much room for creativity. Project-based learning encourages students to think outside the box. Problem solving becomes part of the journey, rather than the means to an end. The more students think on their own, the more successful they will be. 

Encourages Questions

When the focus is on having all the right answers, there’s not a lot of room for asking questions. However, deeper learning happens when students ask questions to explore each lesson beyond the scope of what’s taught in the textbook. They can ask more about how it applies to their lives. Through questions and curiosity, innovation happens for teachers and students alike. 

Inspires Growth

Children naturally grow as they gain experience in life. Innovative learning takes that an extra step, encouraging students to develop their own genius. Having more classes available to them and learning project-based lessons allows students to understand who they are and grow into the best version of themselves. 

Allows for Unlimited Achievement

At schools that encourage collaboration and project-based learning, student achievement has no limits. Students aren’t bound to learning the lesson plan and moving on to the next one. In fact, teachers actively encourage students to expand their horizons every time they begin a new project. When students know they can achieve anything they set their minds to, you’ll be amazed by what they can accomplish. 

At North Tampa Christian Academy, we offer more than a place for children to learn. Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

Helping Your Child Reframe Mistakes as Learning Opportunities

Everyone makes mistakes. However, this doesn’t stop making mistakes from being an isolating experience, especially for children. While adults have years of experience making and recovering from mistakes, children are just starting this journey. As the trusted adult in your child’s life, you can help your child reframe their mistakes and make them into learning opportunities. Here are a few ways you can work together to transform mistakes into lessons. 

Show Empathy

When facing disappointment, the last thing anyone wants to be told is not to be disappointed. Sit with your child in their initial feelings on a perceived mistake. Talk through it, and help them figure out why it’s bothering them. Active listening shows your child that you care and that they can trust in you next time they make a mistake. 

Be a Role Model

Talk to your child about small mistakes you’ve made that are on the scale to what they’ve done. They might not understand that everyone makes mistakes. Even if they realize that no one’s perfect, they may not feel that way in the moment. If you talk about mistakes and the steps you took to overcome them, your child will learn about ways to do the same. 

Help Them Find the Lesson

Some lessons are simple. If your child fails a test, next time, they’ll have to study harder. Others require a little more exploration. When your child asks for your advice after making a mistake, help them navigate through it. Let them steer the conversation, and provide helpful input where they need it.

Focus on the Positive

It’s important to remain upbeat when your child makes a mistake, as difficult as that may be. Almost any mistake your child makes is not the end of the world, even if your child feels like it is in the moment. Look forward, and focus on what can be learned from the experience. This may mean taking a deep breath before you respond, or it could come naturally to help your child find the positive in the situation. 

Practice Coping Methods

Help your child learn about healthy ways to process their emotions. These skills will become crucial when they make a “world-ending” mistake. Talk about the benefits of coping methods such as talking it out, private journaling and going for a walk. The more tools your child has in their arsenal, the better prepared they will be for next time they need to turn a mistake into a life lesson. 

At North Tampa Christian Academy, we believe learning from mistakes is an important way for children to grow. Our school offers more than a place for children to learn. Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

How to Nurture Your Child’s Mental Health

Adults have a tendency to remember childhood as an easy time. However, children can struggle to cope with a world that always seems to be changing around them. They may also be influenced by outside influences, such as being bullied and the pressures of social media. You never know what your child is facing unless you talk to them. Here are some important steps you can take to nurture your child’s mental health. 

Practice Active Listening

When your child talks to you, listen. Pay attention to tone, body language and other indicators of how your child feels. Consider how they’re saying what they’re telling you. If your child tells you they’re not doing well, they’ve taken a brave step that they may have mulled over for a while. Let them know you’re there for them, and if action is required on your part, take it as soon as you can. 

Provide Sufficient Structure

Children thrive when given routines and activities that keep them engaged. Making plans with your child — and keeping them — can set you apart as a solid foundation in their ever-changing life. Being reliable may not feel like much if it comes naturally to you, but it can make all the difference in a child’s life. This is especially true when things don’t go their way.

Avoid Over Scheduling

Scheduling is good, but over scheduling can lead your child to be overwhelmed. If your child is never bored, they don’t have a lot of time for independent thought. Having time to themselves to do whatever they want is essential to having balance in life. People of all ages could benefit from setting aside a little more time for play. 

Allow for Failure

It can be hard to watch your child fail when it’s something they’ve put a lot of time and energy into. However, failing is an essential part of life. Your child needs to know how to fail and overcome their failures after feeling what they feel in the moment. Giving your child permission to fail is as important as celebrating their accomplishments. This is the only way to build resilience, which will become essential as they grow older and more independent.  

Encourage Healthy Habits

Taking care of your body is crucial if you want to have a healthy mind. Children may not make this connection. When they lose a few nights of sleep to their new favorite game, they might be perplexed about why they’re starting to feel depressed or anxious. Encourage your child to get in a few minutes of moderate physical activity a day, eat nourishing foods and get adequate sleep every night. This can extend to personal hygiene as well, especially for teenagers who often let it slip. The better your child feels physically, the better they’ll generally feel mentally. 

At North Tampa Christian Academy, we recognize the importance of mental health for students, especially as they grow and develop. Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

What to Look for in a Christian Private School

Sending your child to the perfect school can involve a great deal of research. You may think you’re done when you look up “Christian school near me” and find one in a reasonable driving distance. However, not all Christian private schools are the same. They come in all shapes and sizes, similar to any private school. Finding the perfect one for your child takes careful consideration. Here are a few things you should look for when choosing a school for your child. 

Faith Development Programs

There’s more to Christian school life than praying in the classroom and having a minister on campus. Christian schools should focus on teaching the whole child, from integrating gospel teachings into academic lessons to providing opportunities for faith development. The more children relate to faith as an aspect of their lives, the more meaningful they will find their Christian school experience. 

At NTCA, students participate in UNCOMMON, a faith development program that offers service, discipleship and celebration activities to keep everyone on campus immersed in their Christian faith. 

Emphasis on Student Wellbeing

Going to school can be a great experience for some students and less so for others. Children who frequently feel sick, for example, may see school as a burden. On-campus resources like the Health Office at NTCA allow students to take a breather and get back to class when they’re feeling better. In addition to health resources, programs that deal with bullying between students on campus can help resolve conflicts and get to the core of issues that cause bad behavior. Consideration for physical and mental health is essential.  

Extracurricular Activities

Private schools are often limited in their extracurricular offerings, partly because there are fewer students to participate in each activity. However, it’s important to make sure that your child has access to sports and other activities that will keep them engaged. NTCA offers volleyball, basketball, golf, soccer and Esports, as well as partnerships with local sports facilities, to provide a variety of options.  

Innovative Teaching

The world is always changing. Teaching techniques that worked well enough for a long time aren’t always a great fit for the modern world. Look for a school that offers an innovative approach to education. NTCA emphasizes real-world project-based learning, allowing students to achieve more and emphasizing each individual child’s gifts and creativity. These lessons are often integrated with serving the community, which is an integral part of their Christian faith. 

At North Tampa Christian Academy, we offer more than a place for children to learn. Students at our Tampa Christian school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

Helping Your Child Overcome Test Anxiety

Most students experience uneasiness when taking tests. For some, this turns into full-on test anxiety. Students feel the pressure to perform, and they begin to cave under it. Standardized tests can be especially intimidating because, more often than not, how a student scores can determine some aspect of their future. Here’s how you can help your child overcome anxiety over testing. 

Studying Smarter

Reading the same notes over and over may work for some students, but for most, this isn’t the most effective way to learn. For example, have your child create timelines of what they’ve studied in history class, then tie the events together. Consider real-world examples of the lessons they’re learning in science class. See if they can solve math problems in a different order or talk their way backwards from the solution. Mixing up the material can help your child master it. 

Practicing the Test

The aspect of tests that causes the most anxiety is fear of the unknown. Take time with your child to go over the material that is likely to be on a test. For most standardized tests, practice versions of the test are available. The format of the test doesn’t need to be a surprise, and it’s often better for students to have an idea ahead of time. If your child really struggles with testing anxiety, consider having them take a few practice tests before they have to do the real thing. Make sure to keep track of the time during each practice session. 

Boosting Confidence

With the way schools build up standardized tests, some children conclude that the tests are simply going to be too difficult to pass. Children also tend to perceive other students’ performance as better than theirs. This can lead to a lack of confidence. Help your child become more confident by providing positive reinforcement in studying and in other areas of their lives. Give them kudos for solving difficult problems at school. Thank them when they do something kind for yourself or someone else. The more confident they are, the less pressure they’ll feel. 

Relaxation Techniques

Testing puts a great deal of pressure on students. This kind of pressure promotes stress, which causes more physical reactions than we may realize. Deep breathing, stretching and taking breaks from studying to get up and walk around can all ease the tension caused by stress and anxiety. When your child sits down to take the test, they can quietly perform deep breathing exercises without disturbing other students or taking time away from the task at hand. 

Taking tests can be a source of anxiety for students, but that stress doesn’t have to be overwhelming. At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, students thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.