Principal Spotlight: Damon Gilliam

North Tampa Christian Academy is pleased to introduce next year’s Kindergarten through 8th grade Principal, Damon Gilliam! Hailing from Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. G has always been a leader. From student government to captain of various sports teams to church elder, Mr. G has always been extremely active in his community. At a young age, he wanted to be a pediatrician with the dream of making children healthier. In high school, however, he enjoyed working with children so much that he decided he wanted to be a youth pastor or a teacher. Calling the Bible his favorite book, Mr. G says, “I knew God specifically wanted me to do something in the realm of working with young people … I hope that each student chooses Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and with that choice, they understand that He wants each one to become a difference maker in this world.”

Summer Reading With At-Home Library

Summer is fast approaching, and it’s the perfect time for your child to gather their reading list. Every parent wants their child to love reading, so we recommend you encourage reading over the summer. Reading at a young age not only expands literacy skills and vocabulary, but it develops attention to detail, builds confidence, and sparks imagination. Make reading a part of everyday life with these tips on how to build a library right in your home. That way, your child feels comfortable and confident reading their summer book list!

Preparation for VPK and Kindergarten Graduation

The VPK and kindergarten graduation is just around the corner, and this can be a stressful time for parents, especially in the midst of a pandemic. As one of your child’s first celebrated milestones, we recommend you prepare so you can have a smooth day. Plan ahead with this guide, and before you know it, your little one will be walking across the stage right into elementary school!