Life Skills for Children and Teens to Build Over the Summer

Summer break isn’t over yet, and your child still has more time where they won’t be going to school every day. They’ve had a decent amount of time to recover from the school year, and now they’re getting antsy. This is the perfect time to encourage your child to start building some life skills. Whether you have a child or teen, there’s plenty you can teach them over the summer without cracking open a textbook. 

Life Skills for Children

First, you’ll want to make sure the skills you’re teaching your child are age-appropriate. Your child can learn a great deal about life in the classroom, but some lessons are better learned at home. For a younger child, start with the basics. 

Money Management

To begin the money management lesson, take your child to the store to pick out a piggy bank. You should be able to find a decent selection at any big box or department store. Lesson one can be as simple as “pay with cash, and drop whatever change you receive into the bank.” Make a savings goal, like buying a new toy or going somewhere fun at the end of summer break. When the time comes, bring the change to a change machine at a store like Wal-Mart, or roll the coins up together and bring them to the bank. 

Time Management

When you have a daily routine, like going to school, some of your time is managed for you. However, over the summer, things tend to be a little less structured. Encourage your child to build a daily schedule that gives them plenty of time for tasks like chores and summer reading, as well as time for play and relaxation. Start with the times they’re naturally inclined to do each task, and work together to build a schedule that works for them and for you. The most important part of this is learning how to plan ahead or adapt when things don’t go as planned. Help your child figure out the best way to use their time wisely. 

Life Skills for Teenagers

Teens could certainly benefit from learning about time management and money management, but by the time they’re in high school, they should have a grasp of the basics. As they move into adulthood, the skills that will help them the most are what are known as “soft skills,” or people skills. 

Communication Skills

In your teenage years, you begin to understand that there are consequences for your actions, and that includes how you communicate with others. However, teens often need some help fine tuning their communication skills. Start by discussing how to say things, especially in an argument. Go over the importance of “I statements” and active listening. Go over strategies for being assertive without being aggressive. Use lessons you’ve learned as an example of what to do and what not to do. 

Problem-Solving Skills

Once your teen learns how to communicate on a personal level, you can begin discussing the art of collaboration and brainstorming. Encourage your teen to think critically before responding to any given situation. Help them think of creative ways to solve problems. Learning how to problem solve takes work, but with a nudge in the right direction, your teen can be set up for success as they prepare for life after high school. 

Summer break can be the perfect time to help your child or teen learn valuable life skills. Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

Meaningful Summer Service Projects for Teens

Summer break provides much-needed time for rest away from the stresses of school. These breaks also give children and teens the perfect opportunity to spend their days helping out in the community. Finding a summer service project can be challenging, especially if you and your teen aren’t sure where to start. Read on for ideas of meaningful ways for your teen to give back this summer. 

Volunteer at the Library

Local libraries provide a plethora of services, and they do so with limited resources. Volunteering at the library can mean reading to children and seniors, helping organize programs, or assisting others who need help using computers. You can also spend the summer doing tasks like shelving books that help relieve busy librarians. If you love reading and want to share that love with others, the library is the perfect place to serve others during the summer. 

Become a Tutor

Use your academic skills to help peers or younger students who need help in a certain subject. You can join a tutoring group or find individuals to tutor during the summer. There may even be local service projects you can join to help children in underserved communities. Summer tutoring gets students who fall behind back on track for the school year, which can make a huge difference in their lives. 

Join a Charity Race

Charity walks and runs happen year-round, and these events always need help. Some of the most impactful ways to help at these events are volunteering to support the racers and starting your own fundraiser. Individual fundraisers take place online before the race once you sign up for the event. If you’re athletic and want to support a good cause, this is a great way. Find an event that supports a cause that appeals to you, and join in! 

Help Feed the Hungry

You can help those dealing with hunger in your community in many ways. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or food pantry. Raise funds, prepare meals, or sort donations for a local food bank. Deliver meals to those who can’t leave their homes. The possibilities are endless, as is the need for these services. If you’re looking for a summer service project that impacts the lives of the most people, you can’t go wrong with hunger relief. 

At North Tampa Christian Academy, serving the community is part of the curriculum, and we also encourage an attitude of service outside of school. Students at our Tampa Christian school thrive creatively, academically, and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

How to Teach Your Child Time Management Skills

Time gets away from us all, especially children, who likely don’t understand the concept of spending it wisely. While children learn about time management in school, home is the perfect place to practice. You can help your child understand how many hours they have in a day and how to find balance while getting everything done. Here are some ways you can build those time management skills at home. 

Start with a Bedtime

One of the first scheduled activities children become familiar with is bedtime. Setting a consistent bedtime routine can help children understand the basics of time management. They learn how long it takes to wind down before bed to make it to bed by the set time. This helps with skills like gauging how long something will take, one that’s essential when it comes to time management. 

Have Meals at Set Times

Eating meals at the same time every day may not feel necessary, but it helps children in a few ways. They learn about how much time they have between meals. It gives them consistency in their routine, which is essential for their development. Letting your child know when you’re beginning to cook and how much time each timer is set for can also be a great lesson in time management skills. 

Plan Out Homework 

Balancing homework and other activities causes children more trouble than any other area of time management. Homework feels like it takes longer than it should, or it’s done in a hurry. Help your child by setting a specific time each weekday for working on homework assignments. Ensure that this takes place in an environment free of distractions. Adjust the time frame according to how much time they usually spend. Make sure to include breaks for assignments that take longer to complete and between subjects. 

Establish Screen Time Rules

In today’s world, people of all ages struggle with screen time. Guidelines can help children, who are especially susceptible to social media algorithms that keep people hooked. First, focus on screen time at night, when it can do the most harm by disrupting sleep patterns. Encourage your child to track how much time they spend on their devices. They’ll likely be surprised to know how much time they spend scrolling. Children and teens can spend anywhere from 4-9 hours per day looking at screens. 

Work on Setting Priorities

When it feels like there’s too much to do in a day, your child will need to learn to set priorities. Chances are, they’ll need your help with this. Work on building a list of everything they need and want to do, and help them sort it out. Try to leave time for the “wants” while getting the “needs” accomplished in a timely manner. Setting priorities and learning how to shift them around will go a long way in helping your child understand time management. 

At North Tampa Christian Academy, we understand that time management takes practice. Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

5 Ways Teens Can Learn to Balance Screen Time and Learning

In recent years, screen time for children and teens has become a hot topic. Nearly everyone, even a significant number of teens, agree that teenagers spend too much time on their devices. Considering the fact that less than 4 years ago, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, screened devices were the primary tools for just about every aspect of life, it’s no surprise that teens have continued to depend on this technology. However, excessive screen time can cause teens to become insecure, anxious and even unable to sleep properly. All of these can distract your teen from their education during a pivotal time. Read on to learn about some ways your teen can work toward achieving a better balance between screen time and learning.  

Set Realistic Screen Time Limits

The first step to establishing a plan for screen time is deciding on rules for daily usage. Work with your teen to figure out what limits make sense and how they can stick to their goals. If your teen struggles to get away from their phone, self care apps like Finch or screen time specific apps can help them stay on track. As long as your teen understands that they’re working toward better balance for themselves and aren’t being punished, whatever tool they use to achieve screen time balance is fine.  

Schedule Focus Time and Break Times

Coming home from school and seeing a pile of homework that needs to be done can be intimidating. Work with your teen to create a schedule for homework and studying, ensuring that it includes a break every 30 minutes or so. Consider setting timers to ensure that your teen takes breaks and gets back on track each time. Some teens and adults find listening to pomodoro playlists, which play calming music and set off an alarm during each break, helps them stay focused. 

Use Screens as a Tool for Learning

Screen time isn’t all bad. Your teen can use their screen time to help them study and learn. There are plenty of educational apps and websites that can help when they’re struggling to grasp a subject. Computers and mobile devices can also be used for research, though your teen may need help figuring out how to differentiate reliable and unreliable sources of information. 

Make Time for Other Hobbies and Interests

Part of balancing screen time and school work is taking time away from both. Rest and relaxation are as important as getting work done. Teens can take time away from screens and work through extracurricular activities like sports and school clubs. Picking up new hobbies, like sewing, reading or writing by hand, that involve taking time away from screens, can be another great outlet. 

Focus More on the Real World

The internet connects us in so many ways, but one thing it can’t give us is in-person connection. Screens can also take us away from the world around us. Encourage your teen to plan outings with their friends that don’t involve screens. Find time to get the family together for screen-free weekends. Focusing on the real world will help your teen become more connected to what’s in front of them. It will also help build up in-person communication skills, a valuable tool that can be lost to our mobile devices

At North Tampa Christian Academy, we know that screens are necessary for modern life and believe that screen time balance is essential to teens’ wellbeing. Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.

Empowering Spiritual Leaders: a Look into NTCA's Campus Ministries Team

North Tampa Christian Academy provides a multitude of opportunities for students looking for ways to grow in their faith. The school’s UNCOMMON faith development program offers support for families, faculty, staff and students through celebration, discipleship and service. For those looking to take their faith formation one step further, there’s the Campus Ministries Team.

How the Campus Ministries Team Works

The Campus Ministries Team, led by Pr. David Craig, plays a vital role in shaping the spiritual atmosphere on campus, empowering students to become spiritual leaders. Members are selected based on their desire to impact the school in a positive way and their willingness to grow spiritually. Specific responsibilities include leading praise teams, organizing events, planning outreach programs, and more. These students spend their time on the team developing leadership skills and putting their faith into practice.

“Students benefit in a special way because they are able to collaborate with a small team to achieve a specific goal that will impact our school and others for the better,” the pastor said. “We plan together, we grow together, we learn together, we pray together, we dream together, we fail together, and we succeed together as a community of spiritual leaders on campus.”

Community Engagement and Outreach

NTCA students are no strangers to being active in the community. Through project-based class assignments, every student on campus has the opportunity to serve others. The Campus Ministries Team takes community engagement even further through special events, outreach programs, and mission trips. The team strives to build bridges that foster growth and collaboration within the community.

Training and Leadership Development

Members of the Campus Ministries Team develop leadership skills, public speaking abilities, and mentorship. They learn how to cast a vision, organize events, and lead small groups, all of which contribute to their overall growth and development as spiritual leaders. While they have a plethora of opportunities now, even more will be coming in the not so distant future. 

Future Plans for the Campus Ministries Team

“Some future plans and goals our team has include a school mission trip next year that will give our students a realization of how blessed we are and how we have the opportunity to bless others,” Pr. Craig said. “Also in the plans are spiritual retreats, small group opportunities, as well as community outreach opportunities.“

The Campus Ministries Team at NTCA plays a crucial role in empowering students to become spiritual leaders within their school and community. Through collaboration, mentorship, and active engagement, members of the team are able to grow spiritually and make a difference in the lives of others. 

Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation.Contact us today to learn more.